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I’m not going to their recruiting event. . .

July 8, 2008

Are you wondering what the deadliest job is in America? Well, next time you can’t get a cell phone signal in the middle of town, put your problem in perspective: New figures show that the deadliest job in America now goes to the men and women who construct, upgrade, and repair cell phone towers.

According to a story in this week’s RCR Wireless News (no online link yet), building and climbing towers (which can be hundreds of feet tall) is more dangerous than ranching, fishing, logging, and even ironworking. The fatality rate is currently 183.6 deaths per 100,000 workers: Five tower workers died during one 12-day span earlier this year alone. 18 tower workers died on the job in 2006.

Someone done changed their mind!

July 8, 2008

John Edwards said Tuesday that if he were asked to accept the vice presidential slot or a cabinet position in a potential Barack Obama administration, he would “seriously consider” whatever the Illinois senator asked him to do.

It has been widely reported that the former North Carolina senator is on Obama’s vice presidential shortlist. On Tuesday, NPR interviewer Guy Raz called the former Democratic presidential candidate’s presence on the list an “open secret,” and asked Edwards whether he’d weigh accepting a vice presidential offer, or might take himself out of consideration as Virginia Senator Jim Webb had done Monday.

“I’m glad to hear that’s an open secret because I didn’t know it,” joked Edwards of his rumored consideration as Obama’s running mate.

“My answer to that is, I’ve run for vice president, I’ve run for president twice. I would do anything that I felt I could do to serve this country but I think it’s a huge presumption for me or anybody else to suggest what Senator Obama may decide,” he said.

Workout song of the day. . .

July 8, 2008

Download this song and head to the treadmill!

Damn homie. . in high school you was the man homie

July 8, 2008

Jailed dog abuser Michael Vick has filed for bankruptcy protection, according to new reports.

Chapter 11 documents filed in federal court in Virginia on Monday say Vick is between $10-50 million in debt. The former football player also cites assets in the same range.

The court documents list seven creditors, including the Falcons, Vick’s old employers. The debt to the Falcons is for $3.75 million, listed as a pro rated signing bonus, but the documents state the claim is disputed.

Vick is currently serving a 23-month prison sentence in Leavenworth, Kansas, for his guilty plea in federal court to felony dogfighting charges.

His release date is July, 2009.

“He is in the process of paying his debt back to society for the federal prosecution,” said Vick’s attorney. “This will give him the opportunity when he gets out to start his life fresh.”


July 8, 2008

Here’s Jake Gyllenhaal leaving dinner in London last night. Jake is currently shooting the title role in “The Prince of Persia” in the UK and definitely looks like he’s had 3 too many.

Heard it through the blogvine. . .

July 8, 2008

Mariah covers ‘Elle’

July 8, 2008

Mariah Carey talks her new body, new record and hot new man in the August 2008 issue of Elle magazine. Here are some of the key points Mariah drove home:

On her unhappy past: “When I was in an unhappy place in my life, I always wanted to be kidnapped. I just wanted a way out, but didn’t have one.”

On Nick Cannon saving her: “He sort of kidnapped me and took me on a helicopter ride. Then he re-proposed. (His first proposal had taken place on Mariah’s roof in Manhattan a couple of evenings prior and involved the hiding of a 17-carat diamond ring inside a candy ring pop.) They’ve been calling me Cinderella since I first started out, so, of course, being Cinderella… Most people would think, Okay, please! This doesn’t happen in real life.”

On getting keeping their romantic involvement on the down low: “We really kept the whole relationship aspect of it quiet. Therefore, we didn’t really ‘date,’ you know what I mean? Because that would have been not quiet or private. I think we didn’t want to give people a chance to be like, ‘What are you doing? What are you talking about? This is so quick… are you sure?”

On her racial ambiguity naturally attracting her to Barack Obama as a presidential candidate: “I can relate a lot to so many of the stories he tells. Clearly I am not the political analyst of the ages, but this is something that hits me on a deeper level than anything I’ve ever experienced growing up… I would be honored if he wanted me to be involved in any way. Right now I’m kind of watching from the sidelines.”

FRESH VIDEO: Nas (feat Keri Hilson) – Hero

July 8, 2008

Usher Raymond V

July 8, 2008

R&B star, Usher along with his son, Usher Raymond V cover the August 2008 issue of Essence magazine. This is the first official look at the Usher V.

In the interview (conducted by actor/author Hill Harper) Usher speaks yet again on fatherhood, his marriage and rumors. Here is a snippet:

HILL HARPER: In the last year, you got married and you’ve had a baby. Which has changed you more?

USHER: They’re both linked—I can’t have one without the other. But the one thing that changed me the most is having a wife. Our child is an extension of that union.


USHER: Because now I represent what he is to become. He’s gonna admire me, he’s gonna look up to me. He’s gonna say, “I wanna be”—or he should say— “I wanna be like my father. I wanna be a man of valor. I wanna possess what my father has as a man.” To get married was a choice. To have a child is a responsibility.


Kanye needs anger management??

July 8, 2008

Kanye has already responded to the rumors about him going into anger management. There’s a not a lot of CAPS in his newest BLAHg, but there are plenty of question marks:

07.07.2008Do yall remember when people said my fiance was pregnant???? What happened to that rumor????? I guess after we broke up it was just forgot about???? I’m just using that as an example of how people make up stuff and everybody runs with it. I had my own family asking me about that. Now the media is saying I’m going to anger management something or ‘nother. I have never had any conversations about anger management. If anything, I need anger enhancement!! lol! I get off the plane in Hawaii today and the world is saying my management team said blah blah blah… SIIIIIIGGGHHHH! I told the media you can’t make up lies about me because I have a media outlet myself. Oh and sidebar I don’t know if everyone has realized this yet but I don’t do interviews if there’s anything I wanna say I’ll say right here on my own blog.

Check this out…I took a quote from my rant and used it as my headline.. just like a real media outlet would… hahaha